There are so many themes that can be folded into any kind of celebration. You can liven up birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, graduations, and more with a special theme. Invite friends, family, or choose a theme for a special occasion in the workplace from any of the following:

  • Karaoke: Plan a casual evening with music and singing for everyone, no matter what kind of voice they have. You can use CD music or rent a karaoke machine from a party rental store.
  • Luau: Throw a luau in the winter or outdoors in the summer. You can find coordinating paper goods for your table and décor at a party store. You can also use themed napkin holders, and make decorations with beads and leis.
  • Oktoberfest: An Oktoberfest is usually held in late September or October, and consists of polkas, German music, beer, brats, German potato salad, and singing.
  • A Night in Italy: Bring on the Italian food and wine. Play some of the many Italian music favorites and decorate with posters and other kinds of Italian items.

Partner with Big Wave Events on your next celebration. We can take on any theme you want for your next event production in NYC. Contact us at (toll-free) 1-800-291-9837with all of your questions and let’s get started!

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